Response to PLOS One Testosterone Study from Gary Donovitz MD Sulfur Analyzer Indonesia

You may have read the latest report in the medical journal PLOS One which found an increased risk of heart attack in men given testosterone supplements. I believe that this research is inaccurate, dishonest and full of mistakes.

My name is Gary Donovitz MD, and I am Medical Director of BioTE Medical, the largest hormone replacement company in the United States. My position gives me a unique understanding of science
sulfur analyzer indonesia and the application of testosterone replacement supplements, which is why I found the PLOS One perumahan baru di semarang study to be one of the best and potentially dangerous of the worst.

The following are the biggest problem choices with the efficacy of the PLOS One study:

Collection Method: This testosterone study really does not involve lab data before or after therapy, which leads to the possibility of large errors.

Previous data: The authors of this study cite the Veterans Administration Study reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA 2013). This is a problem because the conclusions of the research are wrong. In particular, men with testosterone levels exceeding 300 ng / dl were not included in the study, massively shaking data.

Submission Method: By far the biggest problem with PLOS One study was that it was only seen in men who received testosterone supplements through oral pills, topical creams, gels and synthetic injections. This study ignores subcutaneous bio-identical testosterone pellet therapy.

There are many studies, alternative sounds that show the use of natural testosterone therapy, when delivered subcutaneously. These studies show that bio-identical testosterone pellet therapy can be used to reduce the risk of many conditions, including:


Prostate cancer

Alzheimer's disease

Type 2 diabetes

Prostate cancer

Ignoring this data, the research is very flawed. An important part of testosterone supplementation is carefully following the patient's laboratory values. PLOS One study ignores this complete data segment. The right bio-identical testosterone pellet therapy requires treatment to monitor this data and the patient's hormone levels. This hormone level can indicate various health conditions, many of which cannot be treated without optimal doses. Optimal doses are not possible with creams and gels.

Even more studies have shown increased blood flow to the coronary arteries in men who receive natural testosterone supplementation. This increase in blood flow can cause a decrease in plaque and inflammation. BioTE Medical has treated more than 10,000 male patients; based on this data balancing testosterone levels in hypo-gonadal men from 35-75 does not cause an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

If one thing is taken from this response, this should be: there is a big difference between the synthetic testosterone supplements provided by "Big Pharma" and the natural, bio-identical hormone replacement stories. Until medical journals like PLOS One recognize this and include it in their data, their studies will remain incomplete.
