Knowing and Choosing the Right Laboratory Furniture on Idexx Indonesia

Scientists need special laboratory furniture that allows them to do their work in a safe, comfortable and comfortable environment. Of course, the furniture is designed to withstand the rigors of the laboratory environment, provide a place for storage of sterile equipment and even provide laboratory personnel with the right platform to work on. Thus, it is very important to know and choose the right type of furniture for the laboratory.

Get to know your furniture

This type of furniture depends on the specialization of the laboratory itself. However, you will find the following furniture to be an integral part of almost all laboratories (in alphabetical order):

Clothing Dispensers - Obviously, this laboratory furniture keeps clean clothes such as scrubs and dresses needed in a sterile environment.
Balance the shield and mini hood - Both are clear boxes even though the mini cover has a closed opening where the balance shield is placed.
Laboratory bench - These are usually corrosion and heat resistant because of their use as a platform for many tests and experiments.
Cabinets and Drawers - This can be a forensic cabinet used to store samples and evidence in forensic idexx indonesia investigations, chemical cabinets for chemical storage, and general cabinets for general goods. Depending on its use, you can choose a fire-resistant, fire-resistant and heat-resistant cabinet that may or may not be used as a laboratory bench.
Fume Hood - This is laboratory furniture for air ventilation around the experiment, thus ensuring the safety of personnel.

We recommend that you list all furniture and its dimensions and specifications before ordering.

Choose your furniture

In choosing furniture for your laboratory, whether for school or company, there are three main factors that must be considered. First, you must ensure good quality. Keep in mind that furniture will be used under strict standards so that quality in terms of durability and functionality is always present.

You want furniture to last as long as possible and function as expected. Of course with quality, you should also expect safety measures such as corrosion resistance and fire retardant properties as well as keys for security purposes.

Also, you must maintain a budget. Admittedly, laboratory furniture can be on the expensive side given the many quality standards needed to pass the assembly line. However, this does not mean you have to spend too much money on furniture. Instead, you must comply with your original specifications and look for suppliers who are willing to meet these specifications according to your budget and then order from them. With a little comparison of shopping and offers, you must be able to find a supplier that meets all your requirements.

Finally, you must ask for a guarantee and a good guarantee. You want to protect your business and money from lemons for laboratory furniture.

Knowing what you want for furniture in your laboratory and knowing how to choose it is very important knowledge. At your wise decision about laboratory furniture may be the safety and security breaks of your personnel and the samples that are being handled.
