Why We Exist - Proof Matters, That Matters Wins by One Percent

What's with antimatter, where does everything go? The eight-year results from the Tevatron data collider at the Fermi Department of Energy's National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, USA show that the material was won, by one percent.

I always liked the concepts found in theoretical physics, in other lives I would indeed focus on that and pure mathematics, the most noble of science. That and Music, which in my opinion are very similar. Also Love, not similar to the others but only 'good to have', I digress, returned to the plot.

What is the problem?

Matter is everything, which has any substance and needs space, made of what. It almost resolves everything in the universe but has the opposite, in a sense, called antimatter.

Antimatter, you cannot look around often, when it is made it can be considered the most valuable thing there is. To make that gram, according to physicists, it would cost around $ 25 million and physicists were not paid that much, so it was indeed a very rare substance.

Physicists have long known that matter and antimatter do not rise, I mean absolutely, not at all, to the extreme. If they are close to each other, they are practically destroying themselves, so they only produce big flashes and lots of energy to clean up afterwards. The amount of energy released when these mortal enemies meet is equivalent to 10,000,000,000 times what you get from TNT.

Right now I'm looking at my coffee cup in front of me and consider the results of having an anti-cup full of anti-coffee met with my usual percolation. The results will be comparable to self-respecting nuclear weapons that are even slightly on the big side. Something like the 25 megatons of TNT explosion will produce the same effect as my anti-drink. Somewhat uncomfortable; if not unfortunate idexx indonesia for me, but imagine the possibility to eliminate our tendency to run the world with energy from the remains of ancient dead plants, oil.

The problem physicists have is that matter and antimatter should be made the same. There should be an equal number of items in the beginning and just about any universe. The fact that they, according to physics at this time, should actually destroy each other makes poor physicists have a little problem. If they really disappear, then it is impossible, physicists, are there, to worry about it.
