Five Things to Look For When Buying Diamonds Grown in a Laboratory

Diamonds planted in the laboratory are a wonderful alternative to mined diamonds. They are not only as brilliant, they are also environmentally friendly and conflict free. That means that you are not paying for something that funds war or causes human suffering. Being able to wear your lab diamonds with peace of mind is what matters most to you. You want to make sure you get the best from your money.

With that in mind, there are a number of things you should look for before buying one of these synthetic beauties. Knowing what makes lab diamonds and similar mined diamonds can help you determine whether the stone you are considering is worth the money you spend on it.

The more you get used to laboratory diamonds, the easier this will be. You will know what quality to look for. This will allow you to enjoy rings, necklaces, pendants, or bracelets for years to come. One reason why this is possible is because many synthetic diamond companies offer a lifetime guarantee.

Here are five things you should look for when buying laboratory diamonds:

Is it guaranteed to be free of conflict? Only lab diamonds are guaranteed to be free of conflict. Diamonds that are mined naturally come from damaged parts of Africa. Land and natural resources were destroyed in the process of leaving local communities without clean drinking water and the means to sustain themselves financially. These blood diamonds help fund war and violate human idexx indonesia rights.

Is the outer hardness similar to natural diamonds? Natural diamonds have a surface hardness of 10. A good synthetic diamond usually measures at least 9.5. Both must be able to cut glass.

What is the refractive index? Both types of diamonds must have a refractive index of 2.42. This makes it difficult to distinguish the two. This measurement allows you to know how much light the diamond will refract.

How do you cut it? Diamond lab cut by hand. Diamonds that are mined are cut based on costs. This is one of the reasons why synthetic diamonds are ideal. A lot of time and effort is made to make it perfect for customers.

How is it polished? As a final step, diamonds planted in the laboratory and natural diamonds must be polished with diamond powder. This helps them look extraordinary and authentic.

Diamonds planted in the laboratory are the obvious choice for individuals who are looking for ethical and sustainable stones. One of their biggest selling points is that they can be placed in almost any type of arrangement. It doesn't matter if it's sterling silver, 24 carat gold or white gold, they look amazing in every way.

When deciding which diamond lab company to use, take a few minutes to answer the questions listed above. This will help you make the best decision about who you should buy from you.

C. Struble is the lead author for is a source of diamonds that are conflict free, environmentally friendly and made by you. From beautiful engagement arrangements to stunning diamond earrings, our wide selection of quality jewelry and craftsmanship makes us a leader in the industry. To see what we have to offer
